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Tuesday, 5 May 2015

Kisah Pagi Tadi

Hi all... welcome back to work after a long...long...long weekend ye.... So, where did you guys go for the long weekend holiday recently?  Mine nothing interesting.... nanti I story naaa... 

Well... pagi tadi as usual I hantar Yasmine pergi sekolah and dropped her right in front of the 2nd entrance of her school.  Time Yasmine tengah turun kereta, tiba-tiba ada sorang budak perempuan ni menangis keluar dari pagar sekolah... cari mak dia... and some students kejar untuk tenangkan budak yang menangis tu... By the time Yasmine tutup pintu kereta, I dengar budak tu menangis cari mama dia nak mintak duit... the crying sounded more or less like this, "mama...mama... nak duit...nak duit..."  Being me so lembab, loading bufferring memanjang as my friend always said, I terus drive and suddenly baru I terfikir... why not I just stop the car and give the girl some money for her to spend during recess...  but it was too late... by the time I realised that, I was already passed the main gate.  Kesian budak tu....

I know sometimes the kids' attitude really getting on our nerves kan... especially bila pagi-pagi depa buat hal.  I'm so used to it... hehehehe.... But membiarkan anak kita ke sekolah without pocket money as some sort of punishment is rather cruel I guess.... Tak terfikir ke kita apa yang anak kita nak makan time rehat nanti kalau dia kita denda dengan tak bagi duit belanja?  Kalau anak kita bawak bekal tak pe la jugak... what if diorang tak bawak bekal.. and without money... what are they going to eat???   

Hmm... tak tau nak cakap apa dah... but I hope the next time if I encounter insiden yang lebih kurang camni lagi, I lebih peka dan cepat bertindak untuk membantu... no more loading and buffering ... hehehehee


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