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Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Shape Night Run 2015

Dah lama rasanya I tak share my running activities kat my humble blog ni kan... Well.... last year I rest the whole year sebab my running partner pregnant, bersalin, etc.  So this year, kita start balik.... my first running activity for 2015 starts with the Shape Night Run on April 11 baru-baru ni.

My girls were very excited about it sebab my running partner, Nora will be bringing her kids along... Finally the day comes.... Kitorang gerak dari rumah around 6.30pm as the fun run flag off time is at 8.30pm.  Sempatlah Pakdin solat kat Masjid Besi Putrajaya.... Sekarang ni kan cuaca tak menentu... kebetulan when we reached Putrajaya petang tu hujan lebat membasahi bumi dengan guruh berdentum dentam kilat semua bagai.  I had an instict kata the event will be cancelled.  True enough... event almost cancel.  Tapi around 8.45 pm tu hujan dah reda but still ada guruh and kilat... so the organiser decided to proceed with the run.  Participants has an option whether to run or otherwise.  

sementara tunggu hujan lebat reda, kita wefie dulu... ^_^

We (Nora and I) decided not to run sebab all of us are with kids... dengan kilat lagi... takut jugak kan...  Those yang opt not to run may collect their goodies bag after the fun run flag off.  Walaupun the kids tak dapat lari, but they had a great time meeting up each other... Next running event will be Superheroes Run this coming May 3.  Harap-harap dapat pergi la...  

amboi Shahnaz, orang suruh pose awak jeling-jeling Qayyum pulak ye.... hehehehehe

1 comment:

Akak Kembang said...

hehehe...kalau alin lbh suka walkhaton dr larik...penat..hehhee