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Thursday, 18 June 2015

Family Day JLN

Some time in May hari tu, we went to Port Dickson.  Dah lama tak pi PD.  Owh... lupa plak... kitorang pergi PD tu sebab office PakDin bat family day... kat Primaland Resort.

Gerak dari rumah after Zohor.  Alhamdulillah our journey was smooth... jalan tak jam.  Maybe sebab malam tu ada football match kot... so ramai tak balik kampung...  Kat PD, on the way to Primaland tu, kitorang stop kat Cendol Bakar untuk late lunch.  We ordered durian cendol, nata de coco cendol, mee goreng and rojak.  Both the Yasmines had ice-cream and Shahnaz had a cupcake.  Lepas makan kitorang meneruskan perjalanan ke Primaland Resort.


we had cendol durian and cendol nata de coco... pergh... cendul durian dia sangat terasa duriannya.... sedap... 

Mak aih... hujung donia uols... Sampai je terus check-in and masuk bilik... sedih uols...  rupa paras bilik compared to the one in the internet adalah bagaikan langit dengan bumi.  Takpe la.. just forget about it.  All of us salin baju and we headed to the theme park.  The Yasmines and I tak join the family day program petang tu sebab my girls ni sibuk nak main kat water park tu.  PakDin je yang join.  Kitorang main air till almost Maghrib.

this is the exact layout of our room... gambar ni dari internet... kemain elok lagi rupa paras biliknya... hakikatnya, katil pun takde headboard... pastu bilik tu cam haunted.... seremssssss....

After Maghrib prayers, kitorang turun ke tempat dinner.  We were among the early ones... Majlis dimulakan dengan ucapan KP JLN dan acara diteruskan dengan jamuan makan malam diselang-seli dengan majlis penyampaian hadiah sukaneka, lucky draw dan acara fashion show kanak-kanak.  Fashion show ni Yasmine tak nak join.. Shahnaz je yang join.  Dia pakai dress Elsa dia tu la... hahahaha... Alhamdulillah... menang.  Rezeki kitorang malam tu... we tapau habis all our lucky draw numbers.  The dinner ended around 11pm camtu.

goodies untuk kanak-kanak

tengok tu.. muka bangga dapat pinjam headband rambut blonde Naura... anak si Mahathir...

sekitar majlis malam tu..

among the food spread.  They have mix vege, omelette, grilled prawns, lemon chicken, pasta, etc.

contestants untuk kids' fashion show

yeay... my Elsa menang... tq Aunty Mariam bagi kita present... 

ni plak group Pakdin won 1st place untuk acara sukaneka petang tu..

my Yasmine won lucky draw

The next morning, we had our breakfast at the coffee house.  Lepas breakfast terus gi theme park.  We were among the earliest at the park.  Orang pun tak ramai lagi sampai I nampak banyak giler jentik-jentik kat dalam pool tu.  Lepas dah puas main air, we went back to our room tuk siap-siap nak check out.... can't wait to be home...

these are what we took home from the family day...  alhamdulillah...

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