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Wednesday, 8 May 2013

Wings Rockestra 2013

Hi All... kembali bersiaran walaupun still tak begitu sihat.  Right, let us back on track...

Wings Rockestra 2013... tiket untuk show ni was supposed to be my husband's suprise birthday present... (shomel sangat wife dia ni kan nak bat surprise present konon... ) tapi after hundreds of thoughts sapa nak tolong belikan tiket and what not, maka suamiku telah menyuarakan hasratnya tuk tengok show ni for the second time... pucuk dicita ulam mendatang la kan... so I pon ok ON.. lets buy the tix.. it's my treat this time... so, itu present sudah tidak suprise lagi.. T____T kami beli time I cuti berpantang hari tu... kellas kau tipah.. spital bagi medical leave suh ko rehat kat rumah, ko g berjimba beli tiket konsert Wings bagai... hahahahaha... mak bohsan dok rumah, haruslah melebarkan sayap-sayapku... kah..kah..kah...

Kami pilih show pada malam terakhir iaitu pada 30 April 2013... sebab apa??? sebab tarikh tu adalah birthday my husband... lagipun esoknya public holiday.. so, apa ada hal kalau balik liwat eh, lewat malam pon khennn....  and alhamdulillah... ada rejeki lebih, this time kami dapat seat 6th row from the stage.. maknanya I dapat tengok Awie in human size... sukaaaaa....

Overall my review pasal this show (since I pernah attend their show back in 2011) ialah it is more enjoying...  u can feel the real rockestra sebab this time intro of each songs were played by the OSK (Okestra Simfoni Kebangsaan) and later baru band masuk... previous show okestra and band main at the same time.. so you don't really feel the okestra.. tapi still menghiburkan dan amat berpuas hati... no words can explain the excitement watching Wings Rockestra Concert... in shaa Allah kalau panjang umur and Wings bat the same show in future, we will definitely be attending it again...

bagi details untuk t-shirt redemption

sekitar lobby and hall sebelum konsert mula

marilah kita berkemho dengan birthday boy.. ^_^

fullhouse, uols...

towards the end of the show.. T__T

sesi autograph... ramai giler yang beratur okeh... tak koser I *sambillibasrambut*

anak Awie yang kena paksa amik gambar daddy dia.. hahahhaa.. tapi siyes cute okeh anak dia nih...

with the lady behind the scene...

last but not least, gambar tuan tanah yang bermuka lebar dan berdabel chin *nanges*