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Saturday, 30 March 2013

Yasmine's 7th Birthday

9 March 2013... genaplah 7 tahun usia my eldest daughter, Yasmine Suraya

Alhamdulillah... sejak masuk sekolah kebangsaan ni, Yasmine kurang sikitlah kedegilannya... faham bahasa... boleh diharapkan kalau setakat mintak tolong dia kemas study table dia ke, kemas toys ke... set the table for lunch / dinner ke... tapi yang I tak boleh tahan is Yasmine dah pandai SHOPPING!!!! Walaupun just kat kedai buku sekolah.. T_____T

On 7th birthday ni, kami celebrate kat rumah jer... more privacy... (yang sebetulnya senang I nak control Canaz from running here and there... hahahahaha)... Hubby bought a cake on his way back from class and I cooked spaghetti carbonara. 

She received a cheap android tablet as a birthday present...itulah jek la yang mampu for a marheinese like us... actually the cost of her present tu came from her pocket money which she saved from her daily school allowance... hubby just top up a difference jer... Mama bagi barbie watch and a swimwear... Alhamdulillah... Yasmine likes it...

Mama and babah doakan Yasmine Suraya menjadi seorang anak yang soleh, berakhlak mulia, diberikan kesihatan yang baik, berjaya dalam hidup di dunia dan akhirat serta sentiasa diberkati dan diredhai Allah SWT.  Mama, babah and Canaz love Yasmine soooooooooo much... muahhhhhhsssss

The birthday cake... 

this is what I cooked that day... spaghetti carbonara...

happy birthday to you.. happy birthday to Yasmine Suraya... happy birthday to you... montok ni pon sibuk nak blow candle gak..... ni birthday sapa ni dik??

senyum dapat pressie....

hok aloh... montok ni pon dapat gak pressie... mestilah.. kang dia jeles... hehehheehe


Anonymous said...

comelnya anak sis :-) siap tiup lilin lg walaupn sbnrnya btday c kakak .. hehe

Zareene Saifuddin said...

Anon: thank you...