But today, I decided to write about this creature... for the first time... I hate it when you:-
- ALWAYS think you are right even when you are wrong... kiranya cam cakap ko jek la yang betul yang orang kena ikut....
- don't consider others' opinions even if the opinion is to ease your work... so... bosom....
- ALWAYS complaining that you are loaded with work whenever a new task is given BUT at the same time you are busy surfing the internet viewing your social networking page, your recipe sites, etc.
- ALWAYS talking and complaining bout others on the phone for a long personal chat where U'RE THE SAME
- ALWAYS bias with clients / staff... yang ko suka ko layan... yang ko tak suka ko treat them 'VERY POLITELY'...hello...!!!! that's not the correct etiquette, creature!!!
- ALWAYS bat baik ngan orang... but belakang dia ko said something bad / complaining about him / her
- ALWAYS tak puas hati with what ever happens and ALWAYS threaten to bring the matter to a higher level la......I can say ko ni jenis orang yang tak leh cope with the organisational change la....Aku rasa it's best you be a SAHM... for all you know, SAHM pon banyak gheja ok....
- ALWAYS menyibuk pasal orang lain... you're such a NOSER, creature!!!
Kadang kala kita memang perlu luahkan apa yg kita rasa utk rasa lebih tenang ;-)
betul tu eynda...in fact lepas je luahkan kat blog, terus zareene rasa relief sangat2 dada ini... hehehehe... thx to my blog ^_^
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